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Odoo ERP projektų analitikas - standartinių funkcijų konfiguruotojas

1 atviros pozicijos

Umina įmonė įsikūrusi Baltijos regione ir jau turinti puikius klientus, bei jaukią darbo aplinką, kuri tiks kiekvienam. Padėsim įgyti patirties dirbant su Odoo sistema, turėsite galimybę bendrauti tiesiogiai su mūsų klientais ir įgyvendinti naujas idėjas.

2023-04-13 07:24:21

Python - Odoo Programuotojas

1 atviros pozicijos

Umina is an Odoo Silver Partner company located in the Baltics, with super clients and offices in Vilnius. Currently looking to find a seasoned Phyton/Odoo Developer to grow with us. You will become part of our development team, formulate winning strategies and master the efficient use of development in Odoo.

Interested? Read all the details below👇

• +2 years of experience working with Phyton
• Strong analytical thinking
• Experience with OOP, CSS, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, XML
• Ability with Git or any other source code management systems
• Good communication skills, verbal and written, in Lithuanian and English
• Ability to form and maintain highly effective working relationships

Key Responsibilities
• Champion how to set up and navigate the software
• Ability to present technical solutions that translate the business goals
• Coordinates and facilities teamwork
• Be the point of contact to support Business Analysts and clients, if needed.

• Knowledge of business processes.
• Hold an Odoo Certification

• Salary 1500-2500eur (Netto)
• Knowledge and deep learning of the business
• Ownership and Professional Growth
• International Exposure
• Good Company Values
• Competitive Compensation
• Training and Job Perks

Contact Person: Lukas Talačka, lukas@umina.eu
Any quick questions don't hesitate to call me +37067595859

Apply Now!👇

2023-04-13 05:46:13

Vadovo asistentas

1 atviros pozicijos

Umina įmonė įsikūrusi Baltijos regione ir jau turinti puikius klientus, bei jaukią darbo aplinką, kuri tiks kiekvienam. Padėsim įgyti patirties dirbant su Odoo sistema, turėsite galimybę bendrauti tiesiogiai su mūsų klientais ir įgyvendinti naujas idėjas.

2023-04-13 07:24:21
Apie mus

Apie mus

We are a team of passionate people whose goal is to improve everyone's life through disruptive products. We build great products to solve your business problems.